Welcome to Birds DesJardin, a site dedicated to the photographic and video documentation of birds shown
in their natural surroundings, along with a few other critters. The creation and purpose of this site was to
share my photos and videos with others who have similar interests, whether as a fellow photographer,
videographer, birder, casual backyard birdwatcher, or anyone who enjoys looking at the beauty and awe of
our amazing world of nature. Enjoy your visit, and please do take the time to look around at the different
pages and galleries. Also, comments are always welcome and appreciated. New content, especially bird
videos, is always being added or changed, so make sure to check back ocasionally. Thank you for visiting, enjoy, and good birding.
If you go to my "VIDEOS & DVD" page and scroll down, you will see that I offer (4) 60 minute and (1) 90 minute DVD, with a short description for each one. At the bottom
of that page you will see all the necessary ordering information. These DVD's make wonderful gifts at any time of the year and are great for all ages, especially
for young children as an introduction to the wonderful world of birds and nature.
"More Birds & Other Natural Things Volume III" is now available on HD Blu-ray disc.
All species, both birds (64) and other natural (8) are annotated with species common
names and locations. This disc contains ~130 separate video clips. The format is
16:9 widescreen NTSC and 60 minutes long. Purchase price is $20 including shipping.
"More Birds & Other Natural Things Volume IV" is now available on HD Blu-ray disc.
All species, both birds (66) and other natural (8) are annotated with species common
names and locations. This disc contains ~172 separate video clips. The format is
16:9 widescreen NTSC and 60 minutes long. Purchase price is $20 including shipping.
"More Birds & Other Natural Things Volume 5" is now available on HD Blu-ray disc.
All species, both birds (60) and other natural (3) are annotated with species common
names and locations. This disc contains ~138 separate video clips. The format is 16:9 widescreen NTSC
and 60 minutes long. Purchase price is $20 including shipping.
"More Birds & Other Natural Things Volume VI" is now available on HD Blu-ray disc.
All species, both birds (88) and other natural (8) are annotated with species common
names and locations. This disc contains ~164 separate video clips. The format is 16:9 widescreen NTSC
and 75 minutes long. Purchase price is $20 including shipping.
"A Collection Of Short Videos" is now available on HD Blu-ray disc. This disc features
14 bird videos and 1 nature video that are not included on any of the "More Birds
& Other Natural Things". The format is 16:9 widescreen NTSC and 90 minutes long.
Purchase price is $20 including shipping.
"An Introduction to the Birds of Ventura County" (Southern California) is now available on HD Blu-ray disc.
All species are annotated with species common names and sex. This disc contains 200
species. The format is 16:9 widescreen NTSC and 1 hour and 35 minutes long. It's also authored with chapter points at every 15 minutes. Purchase price is $20 including shipping.
"Birds DesJardin Trailer"
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at : don@birdsdesjardin.com
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